PBN to LIN File Converter

This page will convert a ".pbn" file to a ".lin" file suitable for uploading to Bridge Base Online. Please note that several characters in the submitted filename cause problems when downloading the converted file, so will be deleted in the name of the ".lin" file. Empty filenames are not permitted. If a filename is empty, it will be substituted by the local (London) date and time at which the file was submitted.

This program expects the submitted file to adhere to the PBN 2.1 specification. If it does not, the translation may fail.

PBN tags should be formatted as [Tagname "Tagvalue"]. Omitting the double-quotes around the tag value causes this program to fail.

Update: 2015-05-23 - Added code to delete plus signs in the submitted filename.

Update: 2016-06-18 - Added code to deal with empty name of submitted file.

Update: 2016-08-19 - Added code to delete single-quotes and commas in the submitted filename.

Update: 2016-11-10 - Added code to delete "&" symbol in the submitted filename.

Update: 2016-11-10 - Added code to reject badly formatted PBN files.


© John Baraclough - 2014-????